Meeting documents

SSDC District Executive
Thursday, 5th September, 2019 9.30 am

  • Meeting of District Executive, Thursday 5th September 2019 9.30 am (Item 39.)




That District Executive:-



agreed that the Exceptions and Appeals Panel be asked to vary the policy for this case only for the approval of a Home loan through Wessex Resolutions CIC to make it available to all residents served with the Notices regardless of the vulnerability or financial status.


To agree financial support that the Council can provide to residents of Allowenshay, Dinnington and Hinton St George in relation to improvements required to their private water supply.

(Voting: 5 in favour, 4 against, 0 abstentions)


The Portfolio Holder for Health and Well-Being thanked officers for the considerable time spent trying to resolve the water supply issues in Allowenshay but he cautioned that there were implications for the Council if another private water supply came forward with a similar situation. 


The Lead Specialist for Environmental Health introduced the report and advised that a great deal of officer time had been expended trying to resolve the issue for residents.  A Regulation 18 notice had been served on households which stated their water supply was a potential danger to the health of consumers.  She noted that Wessex Home Loans were usually reserved for people in vulnerability and the proposal would have to be agreed by their Exceptions and Appeals Committee.


In response to a question, the Chairman of Kingstone Parish Meeting clarified that none of the residents wished to take a Home Loan through Wessex Resolutions CIC at 4% interest.


The Ward Member, Councillor Sue Osborne, outlined the history of the situation and said that installing mains water for a Parish Meeting was a huge undertaking.  She said the timescales were tight and the offer of a loan would not solve their situation.  She said that project support help was needed and the Council should assist with this as there was a reputational risk. She also asked if the Area West Community Grants scheme could help. 


The Lead Specialist (Legal) said the serving of the Regulation 18 notice on the wholesomeness of the water supply and the potential danger to the health of consumers had changed the emphasis of the issue.  If the appeal against the notice was successful then the residents may look to the Council to resolve the issue. 


During discussion, varying views were expressed.  Some members felt that SSDC should not offer a grant and a loan was the correct way forward, while others felt it was SSDC’s duty to intervene as it was a public health issue. Members mentioned that they wished to avoid creating a precedent for the other private water supplies in the area and that granting money to 12 households in one would mean significant betterment to a small section of a community.


It was proposed to offer option (a) of a Home Loan to the residents and this was seconded.  An amendment was suggested to remove the words ‘for this case only’ but the Chief Executive said the change in policy and its financial and other implications had not been researched and so the proposed amendment was withdrawn.


Recommendation (a) was then put to the vote and carried by 5 votes in favour, 4 against and 0 abstentions.



That District Executive:-



agreed that the Exceptions and Appeals Panel be asked to vary the policy for this case only for the approval of a Home Loan through Wessex Resolutions CIC to make it available to all residents served with the Notices regardless of the vulnerability or financial status.


To agree financial support that the Council can provide to residents of Allowenshay, Dinnington and Hinton St George in relation to improvements required to their private water supply.

(Voting: 5 in favour, 4 against, 0 abstentions)

Supporting documents: